Medium Partner Program and Ezoic Earnings for September

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Below is my NewsLetter for September

If you like this article and are interested in signing up for my personal Newsletter, click the link below. I will send an email once a month — No Spam!

Rahul Banerjee’s Newsletter 💯 — Revue

Issue #1 — RealPythonProject September Recap

This will be my first newsletter and as they say — “first impression is your last impression”. Quite literally when it comes to newsletters so I will try to keep this interesting.

Last Month’s Blog Summary

Why share my earnings and stats? To be honest, I don’t know. I find it interesting reading about other bloggers’/freelancers’ stats and earnings. Maybe this motivates you or maybe you are just curious like me. Either way, I hope you find it interesting.

New Articles

I published the following article and honestly it tanked. In total it only got around 15 reads on Medium and around 10 reads on my WordPress Blog. Below is the article

How to Use Python to Post on Popular Blogging Websites
Create once, publish multiple times. Automate the manual work with Python 💯. We will use the various APIs…

WordPress Blog

I have two blogs

The second one is still in its early stages and doesn’t show any ads. The data below is taken from my first website.

Newsletter Subscribers: 27

Kofi Payments: 0 (When I created the account, I was being very optimistic and hoping someone would donate Lol)

Ezoic Stats Screenshot

The blog received 12,501 views from 11,462 visits. The data is taken from Ezoic so it’s usually under-reported. According to Google Analytics, the blog received around 13k views.

Ezoic Earnings Screenshot

I earned 67.68 USD by displaying Ezoic Ads on the website. Previously I was spamming my blog with ads and earning around 150 USD — 200 USD per month but I decided to reduce the number of ads to improve the user’s experience in hopes that they end up reading the entire article and subscribing to the newsletter.


Email Subscribers: 22 ( +2 in September)

Referred Members: 13 (No Change in September)

I earned 74.87 USD in the month of September.

Medium Partner Program Screenshot

I am not sure what ‘views’ means in Medium, I give more importance to the ‘reads. I got around 2,770 reads last month. It

Medium Stats Screenshot and Hashnode

Neither of them earns me anything. Stats
Hashnode Summary

Summarizing the Summary

Total Views: 15982 views

Total Earnings: 142.55 USD ~ 196.02 CAD

As a developer, do you understand these Memes?

If you have spent some time on tech Twitter, you should get the reference in the title.

Cool GitHub Repos

1. PRegEx

Regex is a pain but this repo lets you generate Regex using easy-to-remember Python Syntax

GitHub — manoss96/pregex: PRegEx — Programmable Regular Expressions

2. Software Developer Folio

Use this repo to finally build your Portfolio. The thought of starting to build my portfolio from scratch made me procrastinate. Luckily repos with portfolio templates like these exist. It reduced a lot of the required effort.

GitHub — saadpasta/developerFolio: 🚀 Software Developer Portfolio Template that helps you showcase…

About Me

I recently graduated with a BASc in Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto. I moved to Vancouver shortly after graduation and started working as a Software Developer at Amazon. I like to play around with new APIs/ Libraries and write about them. You can connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter

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